Announcing Our New Home: Dust Jacket Press STANDARDS has moved! After a lengthy hiatus, we're back, with a full version of Volume VIII, Number 1, our most provocatively bare issue to date. Featuring new fiction by Deborah Batterman, Stacy Bierlein, Kim Jensen, and Claine Keily; poetry by Jeffrey Alfier, Annette Hope Billings, Sheryl Luna, EA Lynch, and Christina Ranon; a gallery of works by Scottish artist Dee Rimbaud; fascinating first-person perspectives from Hungarian artist, musician, and author Elizabeth Fischer; and an intimate narrative by beloved Chicana lesbiana writer and activist Gloria Anzaldúa. This year's Best of the Small Presses Award goes to the venerable and necessary Aunt Lute Press. Bookmark our new page! The deadline for our next issue, V8 N2, "Impressions," has been extended to 15 August 2007. Please visit our current call for submissions page for more information.
A preview of our current issue available here; take a peek.
Volume VII, Number 2 -- REVOLUTIONS The Summer-Fall 2001-2002 issue, with a focus on "Revolutions," including a conversation with National Book Award winner, the poet Ai; a Tribute to the life and works of welfare activist Johnnie Tillmon; considerations of contemporary feminism and women's rights world-wide; a gallery of sculpture works by Kisangani artist Augie Kuyowa N'Kele; insights into Chinese poetry in Australia, by Ouyang Yu; and a rich array of new poetry and fiction from our continually inspired authors. Also: This year's Best of the Small Presses Award goes to New Victoria.
Volume VII, Number 1 -- COMPLEXITIES Our Tenth Anniversary Edition, with a focus on "Complexities," in new fiction by New York-Trinidadian author Samantha Coerbell; a novel extract from Australian writer Claine Helen Keily's The Mechanical Ocean; poetry by Yup'ik Eskimo writer Alice Rose Crow; stunning mixed-media by U.S-Salvadorian poet and visual artist Patricia Villalobos Echeverría; new poems from Frances Brown and our West Malaysian correspondent, Robert James Berry; plus our Best of the Small Presses Award brings a fine array of titles for first-time online readership from Many Mountains Moving, including works by Kim Addonizio, Sherman Alexie, Homer Aridjis, Jim Elledge, Yusef Komunyakaa, Walter McDonald, Richard Siken, Martha G. Wiseman, Diana Abu-Jaber, Carolyn Alessio, Patricia Ammann, Marie Lee, Mary Park, David Sims, W.D. Wetherell, and many more. Also check out our Reviews section, for a heady blend of Latino linguistics from Calaca Press.
With an introduction by leading U.S. poet Fanny Howe, this issue focuses on pride in struggle, and on gaining international strength for multiculturalism. New works by actor and screenwriter Dean Cameron; poetry by Robert James Berry, L. Deerfield, and Rowena Silver; a gallery of erotic arts by fresh staff member Emmanuela de León; reviews of contemporary multicultural books, and our 1998-99 Best of the Small Press Award goes to Graywolf Press.
Volume VI, Number 1 -- EDUCATION Focus on multiculturalism in education, including online sample syllabi, lesson plans, book reviews, and links to educational resources across the 'Net. New poetry by William Bray, Frances Brown, and Carlos Rodriguez, and our 1997-98 Best of the Small Press Award.
Volume V, Number 2 -- RESISTANCE The re-release of early works by Essex Hemphill, and a Tribute in his honor; new poetry and fiction; along with the STANDARDS hotlist of multicultural sites to hit on the WWW. Plus our tribute to the Best of the Small Press Print Journals.
Volume V, Number 1 -- SURVIVAL Our online debut, with a celebration of our first five years as a print publication. Dedicated to, and featuring an Introduction by, filmmaker and cultural activist Marlon Riggs. This issue also includes a Tribute to Audre Lorde, with poetry first published in STANDARDS; and works by Essex Hemphill, Aurora Levins Morales, Cordelia Candelaria, and Benjamin Sáenz, along with a host of new, provocative writers. |
Image at left, "Nude 1" © 2007 by Jim Davis-Rosenthal |
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To contact Standards, please visit our new site. All contact information in archive here is outdated. |