- Conversation started Sunday
- James Driskill
This message is in joint conversation to: Jennnifer Mattock of Pillar Properties with two other persons. Samuel J. Martinez was a personal guest visiting me when I was involved in the harassment received by Larry Harris noted in the Community Address #06 as having a phone number id from a deceased persons data record from 2008. Marquas Richiie was present here as a visiting guest during the latest event of harassment occurring the other morning. This will be a multi-part conversation here allowing for me to use links that will attach to those links a content preview acknowledgement into this conversation. If I am blocked from sending this to my housing connections of community in any way shape or form, it will only confirm the statements I have made in the comment stream of a post online in the #BlackLivesMatter debate. That post URL is [ https://www.facebook.com/morris.travis.5/posts/535038816697433 ] and I will continue here. Thank you for an open channel to address some issues that are out of balance from common sense and common decency
- James Driskill
Let me first provide an accreditation to this conversation to the two witnesses mentioned. [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Samuel.Jesse.Martinez/ ] - Valid Folder online.
- James Driskill
and [ http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Marquas.Damone.Richie/ ] -- Valid Folder Online.
- James Driskill
James Driskill [ http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgruwup.net%2FMeme%2FMemes%2F%2523Kramobone-The.Good%2F%2523Cinamon.Romero.MSW%2FPozMagazineCover-JanFeb2016-BlackLivesMatter.jpg&h=bAQGJN-TJ... ] : I feel it won't matter in this community. [ Denver ] - For me as a peace maker holding [ metta.ws ] two years prior to the Athlete Ron Arest Jr legally changing his name to Metta World Peace, for my effort here in Denver, I have used Marlon Riggs Introduction To Standards V5N1 [ posted here at Colorado.edu ] and the African Adinkra Symbolic Symbols of Wisdom : affirmed as a valid societal sharing tool at [ http://africanastudies.rutgers.edu/ ], for my efforts here, all I receive is harassment after harassment after harassment for months and months and months. The latest of these events of communication with a hidden addenda to bother and interrupt my life with false intentions was just less than 48 hours ago. The harassment has not stopped. The only source to which this can logically concluded as being sourced from my housing upward tenancy authority trying to disturb me to out of control behavior to violate anything they can find me to evict me out of the community. Community Pariah as they call it. No random person in community would be so persistent, relentless and ruthless to still be on this motivation calling others to harass me time and time again. There is something seriously wrong here in Denver in the housing that I am in as it directly equates to this graphic. This is stored on my site under the name of my case manager, whom I feel is failing ,me big time. I am not sure what to do about it right now except to continue to write out and speak for #BlackLivesMatter #WhiteLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter : A post offering of a solution for the information technology advancement --- we need the Adinkra Symbolism of Mpatapo present in our information theory. And I have it. : Instead of empowerment, they want to disturb me to silence. I won't go away that easily. http://community.gruwup.net/06/
- James Driskill
http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fafricanastudies.rutgers.edu%2F&h=pAQFGBZWb --- There are 11 of the set of Adinkra Symbols on this .edu resource attached obviously as shown below to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. That makes this [ Adinkra ] a valid form of societal community sharing tool resources. Do you not agree?
- James Driskill
I have requested a meeting on the affairs of peace building with my case manager. That of course is an email. That email has been placed online with a SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE accompany link. Neither of these are placed with a community addressing shortcut. But the content is in fact online which eventually will be public indexed due to the fact my domains are surface web visible. They are not a part of the dark or deep web which is the topic in that conversation here with Jennefit Matttock.
- James Driskill
The Written Text of this email is at [ http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgruwup.net%2FMeme%2FMemes%2F%2523Kramobone-The.Good%2F%2523Cinamon.Romero.MSW%2FProjecting%2520future%2520time%2520discussion%2520meeting%2520%255b%2520whenever%2520%255d%2520--%2520adaptive%2520thinking.htm&h=mAQFs9Fsj ]
- James Driskill
And The SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE OF THIS EMAIL IS at [ http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgruwup.net%2FMeme%2FMemes%2F%2523Kramobone-The.Good%2F%2523Cinamon.Romero.MSW%2FProjecting%2520Future%2520Time%2520Meeting%2520Whenever.mp3&h=GAQEU2lkV ] --- It is a CLICK AND LISTEN PRESENTATION.
- James Driskill
I have nothing further to say here in this email onto this subject except that I have placed this to the world in my community peace building address #06. I expect what I have to say to be an affluence part of what can be discussed in community circles. These are important things. They are not stupid. It is time to change your ideal constructs of what you think I am based on rumor and actually unite with me peacefully for a cause that I know I have the keys to build from. [ http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.gruwup.net%2F06%2F&h=dAQHbW_5y ] --- I have already been censored on Facebook at the Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments Community Page. It is not right an everyone knows it.
- James Driskill
That missing hole of content on Facebook at Chesney KleinJohn Community Page --- if you follow from what I have addressed to Donald Trump standing on his page [ https://www.facebook.com/realdonaldtrumpforpresident/posts/10206986065512188 ]
- James Driskill
THE COMMENTS FROM ME OF MORAL TRUTH STAND AND HAVE NOT BEEN CENSORED ON THAT PAGE -- So they are valid social constructs of dialogue, no matter what you think. Going all of the way down the comments to the end takes you to a twitter search of content I directed to him on Twitter @RealDonaldTrump over the course of last few months. [ http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgruwup.net%2F%255bWebDomains%255d%2Ftwitter.com%2F%40realdonaldtrump%2FTwitterSearch-%40Gruwup%2B%40RealDonaldTrump.htm&h=9AQEMCy_A ]
- James Driskill
The Conent mentioned there [
@realDonaldTrump @JoyVBehar @WhoopiGoldberg @TheView I posted this on WORLD AIDS DAY to my Apt Bldg Residents here https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10205424422672093&id=137577736280484 ] -- No longer exists on the Facebook.com domain. I have been censored. This is a truth. And for the fault is it not me --- it is you [ all ] whom must be applying some kind of ill working hidden agenda intentions against my peace building resolves. This is not a good working relationship That fault is not mine, it is yours. I have to personal space witnesses involved in only two of the documented cases of harassment. As such, they are in this conversation as noted. The harassment is real and it must stop. Do not tell me that it is not a relavant issue to discuss. For it is among other issues. Please make that attempt to call back my case manager Cinamon Romero schedule meeting address along with the meeting that I am requesting her attendance with for the signing of additional tenancy documents as a second cycle , I have already done this. My standing is that my tenancy contract is complete for this year. My tenancy re-certification date is April 1st. This is not a normal flow of re-certification and this is not a normal flow of tenant / management conversation. This monkey business is not going to serve us or you very well. I guarantee it. Thank you.
- James Driskill
That MISSING DOCUMENT ONLINE as a reference of censorship -- that being the only thing in my address from start to finish removed -- shows a lack of character on your parts and not mine. I hope you do see that truth before it gets you burned too much. Reverse your thinking please. Thank you. Whatever the solutions are in this, we must talk and discuss the issues --- not censor me out of existence. What is censored is the Marlon Riggs Address from World Aids Day including that he has 3 separate aids quilt panels in his honor in the collection. This is shameful things done to me -- against me -- harassing me --- and it is going to stop. And it is the community response that should become present to make it stop. It is not my obligation at this point to fend for myself. Absolutely not! Have a good day. Thank you for reading.
- Monday
- James Driskill
I have just added "Mark Zuckerberg" to this conversation. I am adding developement post of MEMORIES placed onto my timeline here. [ https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207027088737743 ] : my comment on the post says : This is going to be real interesting when/if Facebook bring forward that I did a long walk starting from Oakland on September 21st 2013.... goal point San Bernardino. I have had to re-position my files online due to my domain expiration [ http://gruwup.net/alongwalkofbeauty.us/ ] -- this entry pulled into memories is one of my PRE-WALK TRAINING..
- MonYou added Jeron Artest.
- MonYou added Metta Worldpeace.
- James Driskill
I am not sure why there is another Artest in the mix of Metta World Peace -- But I have indeed added the Real Metta World Peace Into this conversation as wee --- as allowed by Facebook. Hi Metta. I need your help again. I have Mark Zuckerberg also noted in this chat. Two witnesses of harassment events in my apartment. Mr Martinez and Mr Richie. And This is chat is primarily directed to the attention of Jennifer Mattock of Pillar Properties who is above the building manager here Darrell Johnson. Metta , back in my car theft circumstance, I asked you do me a favor. The situation of communications is not well adjusted here. Harassment proceeds. I am not exactly sure what I can do about it but to call for all people I know with CLOUT over and beyond my housing authority to do the right thing here. I have asked for a meeting with my case manager Cinamon Romero of Rocky Mountain Cares. It would be apparent that Pillar Properties is ignoring my case manager calls to schedule that meeting with me.
- James Driskill
My two witnesses are accredited here: My naming construct - http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Samuel.Jesse.Martinez/
- James Driskill
My case manager has a folder there on that same directory here : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Cinamon.Romero.MSW/
- James Driskill
Let me first confirm with all what the Kramobone refers to : http://resources.gruwup.net/Adinkra.Symbols/Kramobone.jpg
- James Driskill
The Text of the email to my case manager is at : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Cinamon.Romero.MSW/Projecting%20future%20time%20discussion%20meeting%20%5b%20whenever%20%5d%20--%20adaptive%20thinking.htm - TITLE IS : Projecting Future Time Discussion Meeting - Adaptive Thinking
- James Driskill
This has been converted to SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE AT : https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgruwup.net%2FMeme%2FMemes%2F%2523Kramobone-The.Good%2F%2523Cinamon.Romero.MSW%2FProjecting%2520Future%2520Time%2520Meeting%2520Whenever.mp3&h=GAQEU2lkV&__mref=message_bubble
- James Driskill
#BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter : http://community.gruwup.net/06/
- James Driskill
This is the PUBLIC URL of my comment to you regarding this chat conversation attached to your Facebook cover photo : [ https://www.facebook.com/MettaWorldPeace/photos/a.446526168734796.105350.153887674665315/1016744155046325/?type=3&comment_id=1034006479986759&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R4%22%7D ]
- James Driskill
Metta, as you know we have unique bonding that is present between us man to man. To those who are new in this conversation who do not realize this bond. This proofing image reflects it true. http://gruwup.net/FromTheDeskOf-@Gruwup/FromTheDeskOf-Gruwup-METTA.WORLD.PEACE.and.METTA.worldwebsite.jpg
- James Driskill
You personally do have not a folder here -- but your team mate Magic does. The contents therein is the reasons why I got my car returned. [ http://gruwup.net/%5bPersons%5d/Earvin%20Magic%20Johnson%20Jr.%20DOB%20August%2014,%201959/ ]
- James Driskill
Ms. Mattock, if you do not wish to take the leadership role as I have noted here... you do not have the right to eviction for my communcations to your office is your empowerment of understanding me. You refuse that understanding and my only option of consideration of though behind that decision is what has been said at the beginning of this conversation to you as a hidden agenda working tides against me when there should not be. I am going to file your original statement of email of support of your tenant. What changed? This is filed here: http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23James.Martin.Driskill/%23PillarPropertyServicesLLC/%23PropertyManger-JenniferMattock/Gmail%20-%20Hello%20%20).htm
- James Driskill
http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23James.Martin.Driskill/%23PillarPropertyServicesLLC/%23PropertyManger-JenniferMattock/Gmail%20-%20Hello.htm --- If this does not for some reason I will put your folder outside of The-Good or on The-Good root.
- James Driskill
You also said this [ I began reading your posts at longwalkofbeauty.us on my lunches this week and I found myself thinking a lot about it after I go home for the evening. Please know that I am very glad to know you. ] -- note the domain registration expired on the 4th. At this point of discourse I am a piece of trash shit as far as you are concerned. Are these words you write to me words as temporary as toilet water to flush down the toilet? -- As what is now the my long walk is filed with SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE at [ http://gruwup.net/alongwalkofbeauty.us/ ]
- James Driskill
You are definitely The Honorable Marquas Richie in this : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/%23Marquas.Damone.Richie/ : If anyone shall start to harass you as well, I need to know immediately. This being said, what is happening on that topic of harassment is outside of normalcy.
- James Driskill
As it is outside of normalcy -- it needs a platform of address outside of normalcy to take that into account. You can find some referenced to this style right here Google Search [ https://www.google.com/search?num=50&q=cyberbulllying+tatics ] -- This situation must be addressed in community awareness to the remedy. There is no other option available to me but to call federal law on whomever -- if I pursue that course --- it will be to the full extent of the law. It is time for full outright peace building unification NOW .as called upon us. Anyone not willing to have that conversation is a part of the problem, directly or indirectly does not matter.
- James Driskill
Do I need to have a quotation --- this in the category of adult bulling harassment : "Many trolls are not content with merely persecuting their victims online. Sometimes their persecution spills over to the friends and family of their original prey. Following the 2006 suicide of Mitchell Henderson, a seventh grader from Rochester, Minnesota, persistent trolls didn’t consider their childish online jokes about the dead boy to be satisfying enough. The harassment progressed to attacks against the boy’s parents. Prank phone calls were made to the Hendersons. Mitchell’s father stated that it sounded like kids:
“They’d say, ‘Hi, this is Mitchell, I’m at the cemetery.’ … ‘Hi, I’m Mitchell’s ghost, the front door is locked. Can you come down and let me in?’” – Schwartz
Hard-core trolls consider this type of provocation hilarious, a true indication of the juvenile mentality and mind-set of the dedicated troll. To families such as the Hendersons who have experienced a loss, this behaviour is devastating."
- MonYou removed Jeron Artest from the conversation.
- MonYou named the conversation: There is an ongoing campaign of harrassment in cyberspace [ cyberbulling ] I can proof is real -- it must stop! .
- MonYou named the conversation: There is an ongoing campaign of harrassment in cyberspace [ cyberbullying ] I can proof is real -- it must stop! .
- MonYou named the conversation: There is an ongoing campaign of harrassment in cyberspace [ cyberbullying ] targeted against me that I can proof is real -- it must stop! .
- MonYou named the conversation: There is an ongoing campaign of harrassment in cyberspace [ cyberbullying ] targeted against me that I can proof is real -- it must stop! [ There are two direct witnessness in this group to these events ] .
- MonYou added Francesco Ponticelli.
- James Driskill
I just got one but not the other -- valid calling into this chat. You think I am not serious? : http://community.gruwup.net/01/ : With words of POPE FRANCIS from US CONGRESS -- A community address about peace building.
- James Driskill
Oh Honorable POPE FRANCIS welcome to my discussion group. It is titled as appropriate. Please pardon my interruption in your day, but as allowed by Facebook, I am calling for community to help me stop this insane situation of harassment. No one is willing to stand beside me to help me. I know you probably have better things to do than to be a remote listener of this issue. But I am here fending for myself when I should not be. Your interface by name proxy alone onto this issue should inspire a change in attitudes I hope. That is all I desiring here of your facebook interface. But I am indeed writing here to you in this group conversation, as allowed by Facebook interface. Mark Zuckerberg [ CEO of Facebook ] is also including here along with a person here Metta World Peace for which he and I have a unique bond of unification that cannot be denied to the unified common bonding of calling of world peace.
- James Driskill
As is mentioned in four separate tweets on twitter.com, My Phone Number called The Kramobone Phone can be used. [ https://twitter.com/search?q=The%20Kramobone%20Phone&src=typd ] : 720-446-7044 -- I am dead serious about the topic on this chat group. I need a community leadership to help me stop this harassment. This is not right to keep me fending for myself. I appreciate your interface Honorable Pope Francis to both twitter. I do not believe I am being treat fairly and respectfully in this community the way I deserved to be treated. What is is happening must stop. I calling for sanity over this campaign of chaos into my life which I can proof beyond reasonable doubt. Do I now have the full and respectful attention of this community level address here for Ms. Jennifer Mattock of Pillar Properties, my direct association of Property Manager in Hopwa Housing for Chesney Kieinjjohn Apartments here in Denver Colorado USA ??
- James Driskill
please remember there are 11 of the Adinkra Symbols attached to this page with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. : Making the adinkra system of symbols as a society valid presence to share. : http://africanastudies.rutgers.edu/
- 8/8, 2:39pmJames Driskill
This group conversation on Facebook is noted by this ID : https://www.facebook.com/messages/conversation-1339483702731652 :
- 8/8, 2:44pmJames Driskill
To the origins of credits of the informational society telecommunication empowerment long time ago not being deserving honor of me and my skills and knowledge and affluence on subjects of concern.... I appear noted in the November 1987 [ that 80 not 90 ] Library Journal. It is available as an online linkable content... but I will attach it for you here.
- 8/8, 2:47pmJames Driskill
I am also appearing in the San Bernardino [ that city of infamous current day terrorism news [ Sun Newspaper in these two pages. I am using this linking option here. : http://realuphuman.net/Item-Proofs/HISTORY-Driskill/SB%20Sun%20-%20Home%20Computers%20can%20'TALK'%20to%20library.jpg
- 8/8, 2:49pmJames Driskill
I believe [ and belive ] in the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Will you please join me in this truth. : http://gruwup.net/@REALUPHUMAN-Banner-Mission-2015%20%5b%20fillin%20%5d.jpg
- 8/8, 4:44pmJames Driskill
Even though the Kramobone is on the front cover of this PRINCETON PRESS BOOK [ http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9540.html ] -- In all of history I am the only one to mention Kramobone as a single word, it can be used in two word - it is an extremely rare concept. Due to that rarity onto twitter verse does not negative its virtue and/or wisdom --- and it is presented in this book. I am in fact calling on a change of focus and our conscience just like POPE FRANCIS has called an address to the US CONGRESS. Where are your sensibilities? Please don't find fault in me having some. Maybe just maybe that a solution in many aspects of what I am calling for in peace building. I do.
- 8/8, 4:46pm
- Tuesday
- TueFrancesco Ponticelli left the conversation.
- James Driskill
Thank you Honorable Pope Francis, for you are now aware of this issue. I never thought it would have needed a call out to such higher authority to be aware of issue. But in this day and it is very possible. And so such I can I have. No problem. But now he is aware of this seriousness of this issue, His participation was never necessary. But those who wish to also depart this conversation without having a meeting of any kind of absolute silence of an proper level solutions address to topic noted are welcome to leave this conversation. That is your free choice. Your non-participation here will be noted for the record. These are the tools of technology optioned for us. I am using those tools to the maximum features possible. Does anybody have their principles and set of moral and conscience open to the matter of topic here needs a corrective community level address of solution. I will assume your silence here remains your perplexity that I am in the right of the matter to bring it up this way , as all other options seem to fall out to deaf ears. I give you an option if input. Please this conversation remains open.
- James Driskill
That does not matter to the fact that Mr Zuckerberg does not have content control at twitter. That is one of reasons why I added Mr Zuckerberg into this conversation as well. We do realize that is a fact. I never wanted to pull out the WORLD POPE into this conversation only to holding him aware of this issue. Now Mr Zuckeberg has slighted this conversation to more local level readdress like it should be in the first place. Can we proceed please with respect of honorable mentions of POPE FRANCIS are in fact on twitter [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/763040612278865921 ] -- That is a fact no matter if Mr Zuckerberg wants to alter this chat which is probably the best.

